here is a cool tip for you, and an announcement...

For people who are serious about earning an income from the Internet.
A tip for people who have a list, or are just getting into online marketing...

A common issue that keeps coming up is that people don't have a centralized place to manage their list. One reason for this is that a lot of "newbies" are using the autoresponder that their affiliate program provides for them.

Another reason is many marketers are using fr-ee autorespondersor "other" autoresponders besides Aweber and Get Response..

Here's a common scenario you may fit into fully, or partially.

You joined a bunch of programs, and got leads for them

Those subscribers end up in your affiliate program's autoresponder.

Most new marketers don't have their own autoresponder and don't know the first thing about how to capture leads for themselves.

It was this very issue that caused me to create the IM TOOLKIT.

What ends up happening is people often join other programs,thereby losing those hard-earned subscribers...

What if you could get those subscribers back?

Wouldn't that be great?

I'm about to show you how...

But first, let's cover one more scenario...

Have you ever purchased some software/autoresponder that came with a product you purchased? Most likely those autoresponders aren't working too well.

The 2 best autoresponder companies for new and intermediate marketers are Aweber and Get Response. If you're using anything but these 2 programs, I recommend youmove your list over to either of these companies.

Here's how to do that, it's really very simple.

Step 1- Get a real autoresponder, either Aweber or Get Response.

There are links to these companies at the end of this post

Step 2-Create a new list for the soon-to-be recovered subscribers.

Step 3- Create a squeeze page opt-in form. It's real easy to do, and if you need help both of these companies have Live Chat Customer Support to help you do everything.

The headline for your optin form should be..(no quotes)

"Get your fr-ee report here", a line for name, email address, and on the Submit line, just put "Yes, I want my Fr-ee report"

Step 4- Write the text for the squeeze page that goes above the optin box. Here is an example of what you could write...

Just copy the TEXT, the words off that page, and use it as the words for your squeeze page. You're basically making a copy of my squeeze page, and making it your own.

This may be the toughest part for some of you.

It can be done using just Notepad and/or Miscrosoft Word.

Step 5- Once you've created the squeeze page, you need to upload it to your website. Again, there is help available from your web-hosting companies. They will help you do the upload...

Step 6- Almost there. Now log in to all your autoresponders and send them an email saying something like, (no quotes)

"Hi, it's YOURNAME HERE, check out this report I came across that really helped me. You should check it out" and in that email, you have a clickable link to the squeeze page you created.

Those downlines, or long-forgotten subscribers, go to your squeeze page and opt in to get the fr-ee report. You have now successfully moved some of your list over into a quality autoresponder.

If you ever quit that program, those leads will still be on your list as long as they don't unsubscribe.

Ok, did I forget anything? Yes, I did...

What fr-ee report will you send these new subscribers, and how?

After you get people to get to that squeeze page and they opt in toyour list, send them the first follow-up message.

The first follow up message should be short and sweet...(no quotes)

HEADLINE--Use the firstname code here (looks like !firstname)
Headline: !firstname, here is your fr-ee report

Line 1-- !firstname, here is your fr-ee report.

Say something good about the report here, then leave a link.

Example link (you can give away this report if you want)

And you're done...

I call this my instant list builder.

Or my secret instant list recovery tactic.

Call it whatever you want, but it works, and you need to do this if you want to do things right in this business.

Links for everything are at the bottom...



P.S. If the instructions weren't clear enough, the IM TOOLKIT hasa video that shows how to do
this, too.

Aweber, get it here at

Get response, get it here at

And the link to the fr-ee report,
Are you afflicted by this?

You're seeing all these great offers and products...

But you are sent in all different directions because they tell you how to succeed using their products, methods

Which are different from other products you ordered..

You get frustrated when things don't work, so you order the next "HOT" thing.

And before you know it, you have 20 different things you're doing

...but succeeding at none of them

...and asking, "Where do I start? I'm confused"

So let's reduce your information overload right here and now.

Email everyone that sends you emails and see if you get a response back from them.

Give them a week to respond.

If they don't respond, unsubscribe..

Next, if somebody sends you too many emails, then unsubscribe.

The next thing you know, you'll be getting less emails, and will have more time to do something with the products you ordered.

Which will REDUCE your confusion...Your confusion is caused by having too many things to do coming at you at once.

Find a trusted source and stick with him/her

Ask for help, send them an email.

Here's the most important thing you can do to reduce confusion about "making"money online.

This is really important...

If you're too busy to do itthen things will never change for you

Ask yourself what your real goal isbeyond making some extra income.

Ask yourself what it is you'd really like to do.

Basically, do whatever it takes to have some sort of clarity about all of this.

Do it today!!

With less emails bombarding your Inbox and a clarity of vision and PURPOSE, you can do whatever you want online. Don't even think about getting traffic, building lists, and creating your own product until you have some sort of mission statement about what you want to do, and how you're going to do it.


I hope some of this sinks in.



You can save $14.9993.00 with this

Can you afford to spend $15,000.00 finding out how to earn an online income? I spent 6 months chasing pipe dreams and flushing my money down the toilet

In a hurry?
Go here to see what this is all about


I bought junk traffic from scam companies and spent over
$5,000.00 with a program that got shut down by the government I bought leads, guaranteed hits, and once even looked into surveys.

All of those programs sounded great but did nothing for me. They overpromised and underdelivered. What about you ?

Are you-- Chasing pipe dreams and the "easy way out"?
Are you-- Getting tired of trying hard with little results?
Are you-- Frustrated, skeptical and convinced that nothing works?

You want something that works and you also want to build on that The IM Toolkit is something I know you will enjoy...Get your IM Toolkit here

The IM Toolkit tells the truth about online marketing
It teaches what it really takes to become a professional who earns money every day online. I have felt your pain and know exactly what you're going through...I'm here to help you. I spent 4 months creating The IM Toolkit andit sums up what I HAD to learn in order to succeed.

I didn't succeed online until I learned what the IM Toolkit will teach you

The IM Toolkit will help you master the skills needed to become a successful online businessperson. I strongly urge you to take a giant step towards making your online success a reality. You have nothing to lose.

It's only $7.00 and all purchases are refundable. Make a very important decision today. If you really want to succeed, you will get this. Get your IM Toolkit here for only $7.00

If you have already mastered all the basic marketing skills needed to succeed, you can sell the IM Toolkit for 100% profit This is a no-brainer for you.It's only $7.00 and Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed

Thank you,


P.S. Make your $7.00 back with just one sale...And you have something very valuable to promote,too!!!

Can you give me one person's name?

Hello, it was my birthday last week and I turned 36 years old, the "other" side of 30, as the say..

Anyway, I took some time off from my business,
but still checked emails once or twice a day.

Here are some things I realized:

-- My business grows even when I'm not there.
-- I am earning money while I sleep...
-- I am getting more exposure every day
-- My list gets bigger and better by the day

How is this possible?

Simple...I have my own product(s)

Can you name ONE really successful internet
marketer that doesn't have their own product?

The overwhelmingly majority of successful
online earners have their own product...

But who cares about them?

Let's talk about you, {!firstname}

---How can you have your own products?
---How can your business grow while you're sleeping?
---How can you build a list on autopilot?

Here how you can achieve all of the above:

There are 2 steps I recommend you take {!firstname}...

Step 1-

Watch this video, it's 1 hour long and takes you through the whole product creation process

Step 2-

Make the product a 7 Dollar Offer with an One-Time-Offer

7 dollar offers are quietly becoming THE method for building an online business

Creating a product is easy enough to do, but turning itinto a 7 Dollar Offer is a little more complicated. Alex Albert has come up with some templates that can turn your product into a 7 dollar offer quite easily.

Make your new product a 7Dollar Offer by going to

Alex's 7DollarTemplates will help jump-start your business,and
build you a list of BUYERS, not freebie seekers or magic pill hunters.

Check it out today to get your product exposed to the world.

Taking the action steps above will make it possible for you to have 1 thing in common with all suuccessful internet marketers. You'll have at least 1 product of your own.

Good luck :)


WARNING: About product creation....

Watch out for delusions of grandeur...Don't be overly ambitious about what you want to achieve, NOBODY is going to take down all the gurus with their very first product launch.

Golden Week Giveaway

Grow your listin 7 days!!

As you know, the best way to succeed online is to promote yourself first and to have your own product. Here is YET ANOTHER example of why having your ownproduct will make things so much easier for you.

At the event below you can grow your list very quickly in 7 days IF you have your own product to give away. BUT,,,,it's only for product creators/owners...

Please join me in an exciting giveaway event that my good friend James Brown has put together - Golden Week Giveaway.

Many successful Internet marketers are coming together for this intense 7-day event that will mean a LOT of profits for all the participants. This is a private invitation only event, just to selected Internet marketers. We'd be honored if you could join us for this great event.

Your participation in the world of Internet marketing iswell recognized and your participation in this give-awaywould be a great honor to me and the other participants.

Please join us from this link:

Thank you,


If you lie down with dogs, you come up with fleas...

Have you ever heard that expression before?
Maybe a better way to put it would be:

"If you hang out with millionaires some of that is going to rub off on to you."

OR "If you hang out with Top Internet Superstars you'll be a much better marketer for it, eventually."

OR "Birds of a feather flock together"

The point is, you want to surround yourself with successful people if you want to be successful, too. Now, this isn't some sales pitch about listening to audio recordings of some people's success stories.

--This is about being the MASTER of your destiny.
--This is about being in control your future
--This is about making as much as you want doing what you like

You see, online riches can be obtained via direct marketing by following a simple set of steps.

1- Have your own product and promote it
2- Get others to promote your product for you and you promote theirs
3- As your list gets bigger, Rinse...repeat...

Keep doing this and you'll have an ever-growing list. You will be building a bigger list of JV Partners waiting for your new product to come out so they can promote it.

That's how to succeed in direct marketing...

Now, the secret to succeeding in network marketing is to get into the right program, and put the right people below you in your downline.
In both direct marketing and network marketing, you need to know quality people in order to succeed.
So how can you do this?
Well, I just finished reading an ebook on getting connnected with quality people in your chosen field. It tells you how to get JV partners in your field andhow Getting Connected can make you succeed quickly.

The guy who wrote this even leaves his phone number so you can callhim. The ebook is called Get Connected and I recommend it becauseit's something you need to learn sooner or later.

It's also one of the more unique reports on this subject.

I highly recommend you GET CONNECTED today

It doesn't matter if you're in a downline club, a doubler, tripler,network marketing , M-L-M, or simple direct marketing....

This ebook can help you with all aspects of your business and is only $7.00,{!firstname}!

Remember the product creation video I sent you?

Well, use that as your guide to making your own product

Better yet, BUY products and sell them as your own if you want to be lazy. There are links to places like that in the report... Most importantly though, this ebook shows you how to Get Connected to make big bucks online

I highly recommend you GET CONNECTED today



Daniel McGonagle's IM Toolkit

After 4 months and many revisions, the IM Toolkit is a finished product (for now)

To create the IM Toolkit I had to

  • learn how to record audios using Audio Acrobat
  • learn how to use Camtasia
  • deal with the pit-falls of creating PDF files
  • find disclaimers for the beggining of the ebook
  • do some price-testing
  • get initial feedback on the paid version
  • improve it based on the feedback
  • and learn how to make it a "7 dollar offer"
  • and make sales and squeeze pages for it

Well, it's over and done with.

4 months to create a product is much too long if you want to be profitable in this business. If I had to do it all over again, the IM Toolkit could have been created in a week.

To completely outsource a 7 dollar offer here's what you would need to do.

  • Buy some PLR materials for the product-to-be
  • Organize the material into some sort of report
  • Outsource the final re-write to a ghostwriter
  • Have a graphic designer make some graphics for the ebook
  • Have a PHP guy create the scripts to turn the product into a "7 dollar offer"

Some things not mentioned yet...

Research- to see if this is a needed product

Marketing- to put it in fornt of as many eyeballs as possible

Social networking- to get the JV partners crucial to the success of a launch

There's a lot to making products and marketing them. Having your own product is THE way to make real money on the Internet. It can be time-consuming all involved a lot of different features, but if you do one thing at a time, you can do it easily enough.

The IM Toolkit has been a HUGE success, 200 copies sold in 4 days, no refund requests and a lot of great feedback.

Since I know I can do one of these a week, or 2 a month, more quality products are not far behind.

Build a list and get FREE Stuff here

I've come across something that can build your
list rapidly AND you can get free products, too!

The site is a giveaway site, where people can get free products or build their lists rapidly by giving away a product they own.

If you have a product of your own, you can build your list very rapidly at this site.

No product of your own?
Then sign up as a FREE member and get your hands on all the free products when the launch date arrives.

Better yet, Sign up for fr-ee here, then get to work making a report or salable item and add it to the giveaway.