Well, Instant Cash PayDays is just about ready
This is a site that show speople How To Make quick Cash Online.
I've spent a lot of time trying ot teach people how to BUILD a business but I think it's also very important to keep peopl emotivated.
Many people are discouraged because they can't commit to doing Internet Marketing for the long haul. Instant Cash Paydays is going to show the doubters that it is EASY to make money online and that there are hundreds of ways to do this.
I believe that there are also people who don't want to build buisness and only want a few extra dollars, not 6 figure Guru incomes, so Instant Cash Paydays is a way to make quick cash online, but no tin huge amounts.
However, this serves a dualpurpose, because it could provide the motivation and groundwork necessary for making people believe, and maybe this is the "kick in the pants" they need to mak eit "real"