Paid blogging: The New Bum Marketing method

Ahhhhh! The secret's out (with this article)
Paid blogging is going to be VERY popular soon.

...But is it another internet marketing fad, trend, or flash-in-the-pan?
Does it have sustenance?

Here are the Pros and Cons for Paid Blogging

I like to start with the cons then leave with you with the PROs
because this is going to be a big deal soon and like it or not,
paid blogging will be around for a while.

The cons are that some paid blogging sites require that you
have a blog for a certain period of time before you're allowed
to post and get paid for your blog posts.

There are some advertisers paying for blog posts who
require that your blog have a certain PR (page rank)
before you qualify to post for them.

And the last negative thing I can think of is that you have to
set up your own blogs. That's not a negative really, but this is
where most people will stall, fail, and drop the whole idea of
following through with this guaranteed income producer.

How does paid blogging relate to the bum marketing method?

Well, paid blogging, generally speaking, won't give you a
residual income like the article writing efforts that the bum
marketing method employs.

You see, with bum marketing, once you write your articles,
they're out in cyberspace forever,and you can make affiliate
commissions off those articles.

Now, paid blogging is different because you don't make any
affiliate commissions from your posts.

On the other hand, once your blog post is accepted you're
guaranteed to get paid for it.

I don't claim to be the best article writer, but I do know
that it's frustrating to spend a lot of time writing an article and
to finally get it accepted, but then have nothing to show for all that work.

At least with paid blogging you get something out of it every time.

Here's the kicker!!! This is what make s it so great...

The more you post the more traffic and higher PR (Page Rank) your post gets.

That means you qualify for the higher paying blog posts.

Sometimes people are paying $1,000.00 for a blog post.

Whew! Imagine that,huh?

Well, that's another way that paid blogging is similar to the
bum marketing method. Both methods require a little bit of
determination and writing and it pays off in the long run.

You just have to stick with it long enough to make it work for you.

Again,with paid blogging,you get paid as soon as your blog
post has been accepted,therefore the motivation factor is
already built in and taken care of.

There are people out ther that don't like to write,but they
shouldn't be discouraged... Most blogs are not candidates for
the pulitzer prize these days and if you can write down your
thoughts in a coherent manner, you'll do fine with paid blogging


Anonymous said...

Getting paid to Blog is the Bees Knees. :) I love to write, so getting paid for what I love is just weird and I love it!

greenehawke said...

Dan, thanks again. You are on top of simple and direct access to sensible online income. I look forward to your emails and now your blogs.

Anonymous said...

Wow really sounds interesting. One of my faults is writing. I dont claim to be a great writer at all but im willing to learn whatever i can!

Hispanoblogger said...

Very interesting post. I thought paid per blogging was something that had to come sooner or later. Underground Hypnosis Course

John Diamond said...

I am very impressed with this info, it is unusual to find a true guru for free!I also will look forward to your mails...
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Mark Hodgetts said...

Thanks Dan - your no nonsense style and honesty is refreshing to read. Paid blogging looks like it could be quite rewarding - it's something that suits me and I will investigate it further

C. J. McMillan said...

My name is Carol and I read your firsthandmarketingreviewpdf that you sent to me. I am new at this but I am learning. I have several blogs. Maybe you could check them out and post a comment on what you think of them. I would appreciate it.
I am going to try this getting paid to write although I'm not an author. Oh if you can tell me how to put that email capture on your blog I would like to put it on mine

Ameridream Enterprises, Inc. said...

Dan, your information is always so useful to me. I look forward to your e-mails! I have now found blogging and I think will help my business get more traffic. I am also now moguling as that is the next fad...

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan
Thanx for the pdf, Some interesting thoughts in there.
What I admire more tho - is the fact that you are trying to help newbies with your 'Do this next' advice....leading them along to some success, Rather than just grabbing their cash like so many others.
I like that approach... I think that's why my site with Marketing Bargains & Freebies does quite well - it's all about giving people a break - which will undoubtably build long term loyalty, and a network of people helping people!
Keep it going Dan
Warm Regards
Randy Smith
A $7 Must Have

Brenda Franzo said...

I'm going to look more into this. Thanks for the info. I have a couple blogs going right now which I post to faithfully. I wouldn't mind getting paid to blog!

Anonymous said...

I love PTB... (paid to blog). It's just the cats meow! :)

If you like to write, this is the job for you.

'Disco Stu' said...

Dan, love the blog and the info you share is even better. Thanks for writing up about Lazy Man's Paycehck and all the rest! Great stuff...keep it up! Stuart Stirling Stuart Stirling's Internet Marketing Resource Blog

Anonymous said...

Today blogs are playing a major role in marketing. They help to develop business. Paid blogs are also one of them.
Internet marketing