Hey everyone, the100aday club is finally over.
I left it open longer than I wanted so latecomers
would still have time to make money with it.
But it's time to close the doors forever. If you still want to
put your reviews up on the site go right ahead. You can
send people to your review pages when trying to make sales.
If you don't have your own website from which to promote
your product, use mine :)
You can submit your articles/reviews to the front page of
http://firsthandreviews.com/ where it says Submit Reviews.
You can also send Adwords to your review pages,
and start making sales that way, too.
A little known fact about Google Adwords is that it works
best with landing pages. Your review pages are also landing
pages for Google Adwords.
However, please keep in mind that I have links on each
page, and this may affect your sales conversion ratio.
So what I recommend that you do is to make sure your
reviews are heavily laden with keywords.
That will optimize the page you're creating and will make
it very SEO-friendly. SEO means Search Engine
Optimization, and if you write your reviews the right
you're going to get traffic to it, naturally.
The beauty of this idea is that it's article marketing
without all the hassle of dealing with the strict
requirements of the article directories.
There is a minimum amount of words required to
submit reviews. The reason for this is, once you have
created a 250-word review, you can then start submitting
these articles/reviews to article directories because
they have a 250-word minimum, too.
They have a lot of other restrictions, though...
On my site, if you write the article properly, without a
ton of exclamation points and refer to the name of program
instead of calling it "it" or "this" in the review, you'll get some
natural traffic because you optimized the page properly.
...and you will have started your article marketing career.
Most article directories have a whole bunch of restrictions
so I'm providing you the easy way to get published easily.
To take article marketing thing to a higher level,
get the First Money Secrets book.
It's the best book on article marketing that I've read so far.
Article marketing is also known as "the bum marketing method",
by the way.
First Money Secrets comes with keyword lists that are
very profitable. You can easily make article-marketing the way
you earn your income on the Internet.
No website needed, no autoresponders needed, either
...just writing articles and making sales.
First Money Secrets reveals exactly how to make this work.
The book costs very little and you get 100% commission on it.
You win either way with this...
So start posting to get the recognition and sales traffic you need.
If you hate writing don't bother buying this, unless you know people
who would want to get the best article marketing book out there today.
Click here to get First Money Secrets, then email me me if you have any questions
Daniel McGonagle
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